Yppenplatz Square

The area around Yppenplatz Square in Vienna is one of Vienna's most vibrant. Bustling with Brunnenmarkt's 170 market stalls, the square is a diverse cultural experience for both locals and tourists.

A colorful, new fashion district is springing up around Brunnenmarkt, called Ottakring. The market exudes South European flair. Numerous artists have set up shop in the surrounding area, making Brunnenmarkt and Yppenplatz one of the most electric neighborhoods in the city today. Some of Vienna's most exciting restaurants have opened around Yppenplatz, which brings people from all over to Vienna regularly.

Over the next week, Yppenplatz will come alive even more with the Vienna Festival. Offering weeks of dance, music, theater, and the arts, the Festival features everything from classic art to avant-garde.

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