Managed Support from an active Merchants’ Association or Non-Profit Organization provides clear leadership and serves as a surrogate for single land ownership for most vibrant streets.
Retail Appropriate Ground-floor spaces along vibrant streets have high ceiling heights, transparent storefronts, adequate sidewalks, and few disruptions in retail continuity.
Mixed The types of retail tenants on vibrant streets reflect the market demand. Unsupportable tenants are not artificially introduced. That said, the merchandising mixes on most vibrant streets have a prevailing retail category with smaller percentages of tenants from the other two retail categories.
Safe Regardless of the crime statistics for the neighborhood, vibrant streets maintain a perception of safety.
Championed A vibrant street is likely to show signs of either by the public or private sector. Examples of these investments can include major development, street furniture, public art, and removal of aboveground power lines, to name a few.
Anchored The street is activated by a civic or cultural anchor that attracts people for purposes other than commerce.
Walkable A vibrant street is part of a walkable community and is supported by pedestrian-oriented residents.
Unified Vibrant streets generally have a common character or theme, often historical in nature, that binds the street’s range of uses.